October 30th, 2007

Barrera discusses possible future Manhunt 2 Multiplayer

Published at 10:14 PM PST

Reported earlier this week was an interview with Manhunt 2 producer Jeronimo Barrera, well today MTV got an interview with him also, and discussed with not only the possibility of a Manhunt 2 PC release, but a PC (maybe consoles also) future multiplayer Manhunt.

There are certainly no apologies coming from Rockstar and no indication that the house behind everything from "GTA" to a well-received table-tennis video game is going to avoid volatile subject matter in the future. Asked if the team had considered making a multiplayer "Manhunt" game, Barrera said, "That's a very interesting question. ... Who knows where the 'Manhunt' series is going to go? And that's definitely something that warrants some exploring on our part for sure."

And then there's the call from some gamers who think Rockstar should make an end run around the ratings boards and release the original version of the game on the PC, where, unlike on Sony and Nintendo platforms, an AO rating is still permissible. "We have always considered the feedback of our fans," Barrera said. "We believe it is very important, but at this point in time, we have no announcements to make."

This can only be a good thing, and will certainly add to the fun factor of the franchise that, thanks to it's banning of number 1 and number 2 in some countries, has added to it's success and become very popular. Lets hope, cross our fingers, and pray this isn't just a dream.

Thanks MTV for the terrific journalism work.