October 30th, 2007

Child Advocates discouraging Manhunt 2 purchasing

Published at 12:30 AM PST

As we expected, the internet today is swarming with discussion of Manhunt 2. Not all is good though, the usual groups of people who believe hitting buttons is just as bad as pulling a trigger are at it again, putting forward their opinions on Manhunt 2. I say opinion as that is all they are, and just because they say it doesn't mean it's true. We learned this back with Jack Thompson's attempts to have countless Rockstar titles banned, however with his situation at the moment others are trying to take over that "right". We all have a right to an opinion yes, but the fact most of these opinions are made on the old "violence is bad" statement is getting a little old. We also all have the right to decide what is best for us, or in children's cases, what is best for the child is decided by the parent. Ratings are guides, and blood and gore is pixels and models in games. At the end of the day if the parent can't decide or control there child, who can? It certainly shouldn't be the responsibility of the mature gaming industry, such as Rockstar Games.

Never the less, game lobbyist groups will be a big influence on people over the next week, all I can suggest is that any parents out their, make the decision based on what you believe is okay for your child, not all children are the same and some people react differently to violence then others. That shouldn't mean those that are the opposite get crucified should it? I don't think so, and I think Rockstar would agree. This is a mature gaming industry, for mature persons, however whether a 15 year old is mature or not should be decided by you, the parent, not some group of bias representatives.

If your interested in reading about the article by Associated Press to do with discouraging people from purchasing Manhunt 2, particularly parents, you can check it out here.