September 12th, 2008

Midnight Club: LA Videos from PAX '08

Published at 4:13 AM PST

About two weeks ago we told you that Midnight Club: Los Angeles would be making an appearance at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) '08, which took place over the weekend of August the 29th to 31st. This wasn't any ordinary appearance however, Rockstar was planning to show the multiplayer features of the game, which they did, to the great delight of many gamers who attended. Three of which have uploaded some video footage of them versing other players at the MC:LA booth. It took us awhile to find these videos, they don't show much more than some racing fun, though it is great to see the power of the game during multiplayer match:

Apparently there was a booth for Rockstar, as well as a booth exclusively for Midnight Club: LA. In the MC:LA booth was a large number of game console booths with seats which were all connected together for LAN games. One of the authors of the above videos, FatterBaby from YouTube, said that when he was playing there were 8 other races on over the LAN.