May 7th, 2008

PS3 Downloadable Content Confirmed for GTA IV

Published at 1:23 AM PST

In an older article from the end of March this year it was shown that the PlayStation World Magazine confirmed that the PlayStation 3 version of Grand Theft Auto IV will also have downloadable content at a later date. We all ready know that the Xbox 360 version will have downloadable content later this year, so this is spectacular news for any PlayStation3 users out there. This information comes straight from the games' senior developer, Jeronimo Barrera. GameCollision says:

The article talks about two possible scenarios, one being that Microsoft only paid for timed exclusivity and the PS3 will eventually be getting the same thing. The other, more realistic scenario, is that the downloadable content will be in the form of PlayStation Home unlockables. Considering that almost every game from here out will have some sort of Home-integration (most being game-themed wallpapers, furniture, etc.), that does make a lot of sense.

Thanks GameCollision!