April 28th, 2008

"Video Gamers can buy Cocaine"

Published at 2:08 PM PST

That is the first line of a very short article, found in The Sunday Mail (Adel, 27/04/08), that pretty much bashes Grand Theft Auto IV. GTAIV is being released worldwide on Tuesday, everyone is excited, everyone is hyped up, it has a perfect score on numerous websites, it’s the game of the year, and still people don’t want it to be released, when will they get over it?

Anyway, here is the full recap of the article:

VIDEO gamers can buy cocaine, visit strip clubs, fire rocket launchers and set enemies alight in a violent new game that has family groups outraged.

The latest instalment of the Grand Theft Auto series, to be released worldwide on Tuesday, contained such graphic violence that it had to be modified to meet Australian classification standards.

The Australian Office of File, Literature and Classification (OFLC) gave Grand Theft Auto IV an MA15+ rating and warned of strong violence, coarse language, drug use, and sexual references. Australian Family Association spokeswoman Angela Conway said such severe violence could affect the player’s behaviour more than violent films.

I want to know where this cocaine, rocket launchers and setting people alight are. If it happened in real life, then yes, people should be complaining, but at the moment it’s just a wonderfully made video game that simulates this. I say, go and pre-order it today!

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