April 17th, 2008

Inmate Files Restraining Order Against GTA

Published at 12:45 PM PST

When I woke up this morning, I said to myself "God, I don't think anything can make me laugh today". Well I was wrong. John Lee Riches, an inmate in the state of South Carolina, has filed a restraining order against, yes your reading this right, Grand Theft Auto. Yeah, we're puzzled too at how one can get a restraining order against a disc with data on it. Why is Mr. Riches trying to get a restraining order against a disc? We'll let him tell you why,

"I face imminent danger from violent inmates who played Grand Theft Auto who will knock me out and take my gold Jesus cross..."

By now your most likely thinking this is a sarcastic article. Far from it. This is very real. According to Wired, prior suits attempted while incarcerated include action against dog fighting supporter and NFL quarterback Michael Vick, Martha Stewart, Steve Jobs, President Bush and Britney Spears. This guy highly reminds me of Jack Thompson. Also, according to Next Gen, he is attempting the same things with Activision and Atari.

Source: Wired and Next Gen

Thanks to The Smoking Gun for the image of Mr. Riches.