July 13th, 2007

WKTT - IV Radio Station Announced and Teaser Site Launched

Published at 6:00 AM PST

RockstarWatch Media

Today Rockstar opened a teaser site for a radio station in Grand Theft Auto IV, WKTT, which stands for “We Know The Truth”. It's a talk back radio station similar to that of Vice City's K-Chat, San Andreas's WCTR and GTA III's Chatterbox FM.

The teaser website can be found at www.wkttradio.com, currently is has competition of sorts on. You can call up and have your opinions on “Liberty City, America, Liberals or your Health” broadcast live on air. This basically means, your opinion may be chosen and broadcasted on the WKTT radio station in Grand Theft Auto IV!

Head over to www.wkttradio.com now and have your opinion heard! Please be sure to read the Terms and Conditions first. Good luck everyone!