February 24th, 2008

360 expansions to be larger then past games

Published at 7:09 AM PST

Microsoft Blogger Breakfast was held today for eager Bloggers, information on Xbox and Gaming was the hot topic for the get-together. A number of lucky Bloggers had a chance to throw questions at Microsoft representatives Chris Satchell, Aaron Greenberg and John Schappert, who where more then happy to answer them. Grand Theft Auto IV and the exclusive DLC content was of course brought up, some bullets are below:

  • When MS says exclusive, they mean that no other system can have DLC content for GTAIV
  • It will be bigger than a lot of people think. GTA3 Vice City and San Andreas were basically expansions of GTA3. Think of the DLC that way. We are talking major expansion for GTAIV.
  • No price has been discussed yet. It’s up to Rockstar on whether or not they will charge for it.
  • If successful, DLC may be the new way to deliver GTA expansions.

Spectacular stuff, the fact the DLC content will be like a past game in size and content means the work being put into them must be huge. No doubt Xbox 360 is the place to be for extended GTA IV play, but is it all to much? Are they over-doing it? The perspective we need to look at it from is the customer, so you and me. With content of that size it means a large download and possibly a large price tag. However as we all know Rockstar love to surprise us, no doubt the expansions will be worth it. The one possibility we aren't supportive of is future Grand Theft Auto games as DLC content, mostly because that cuts Sony and the PC out of the picture, which means less customers and sales.

It also sounds as if future games are to be expansions, like GTA London was to Grand Theft Auto 1, which doesn't keep to what has made Grand Theft Auto popular. Expanding can only work so far, and Rockstar did that once, then they went down the line of releasing completely new games with new storyline and new characters. A line we hope they continue with, and this method put forward by Microsoft seems a little ill-thought out in that regard. More information should come soon and clear up a few things, till then enjoy whats left of your weekend.