December 13th, 2007

OFLC Gives GTAIV an MA15+ Rating

Published at 12:36 PM PST

A few days ago, the OFLC rated Grand Theft Auto IV. They have granted Grand Theft Auto IV an MA 15+ rating noting that the game has strong violence, strong coarse language, and drug and sexual references. It seems that Rockstar didn't have to censor anything as they note the version they rated is the original one. Now lets hope that the OFLC reconizes that Manhunt 2 exists and needs a MA 15+ rating as well. As a side note, it is unusual for a game to be rated so early. Hopefully, this means that Grand Theft Auto IV is near finished and we will see a release date announced when Take2 releases their fourth quarter and fiscal 2007 results on December 18th.


Source: OFLC - Grand Theft Auto IV