December 3rd, 2007

IV Trailer #3 Release Times Worldwide

Published at 8:45 PM PST

Move up, ladies.
Grand Theft Auto IV - Trailer #3 - Move Up, Ladies

The third and final trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV called "Move up, ladies" is set for release on the World Wide Web on Thursday, December 6th. A Christmas gift from the good guys at Rockstar Games. Inc. As we have seen with the past two trailers, the moment it is released the Rockstar Games servers are clogged full of eager Grand Theft Auto fans awaiting the trailer to load. Being the third trailer will also be the final trailer there is no doubt this will happen again.

If you are one of these fans eager to see the final trailer, then we have a surprise in store for you also. We will be hosting the final trailer both here on the RockstarWatch servers and on YouTube the minute it is released, so you won't need to wait in line behind hundreds of thousands of other fans at to view the trailer. The moment it is released you will see it in replacement of the video above and also mirrored on our YouTube Channel. We hope to see you back here then to discuss it at our forums and see our dissection of it.

Trailer release times location specific...
03:00:00 p.m. Thursday December 6, 2007 EST / New York
08:00:00 p.m. Thursday December 6, 2007 Europe / UK / GMT
07:00:00 a.m. Friday December 7, 2007 Australia / ACT
05:00:00 a.m. Friday December 7, 2007 Japan