November 15th, 2007

Red Dead Revolver 2 Update

Published at 6:49 PM PST

Well surfergirl has been at it again, this time giving us some information on the Red Dead Revolver 2 project codenamed "Old West Project". The project has known to of been in development since 2005 when Rockstar previewed a trailer for the project at a Sony Convention which you can see here on YouTube. We emailed surfergirl this week to find out if she knew anything about it's development status, she had this to say:

Rockstar SD's "Old West Project" is still in development, I don't know much more, but it should come out soon.

Now of course surfergirl isn't an official employee so don't take this as a "yes it's real" article, this is simply informative news. However if it is true, which I believe it is, then Red Dead Revolver 2 isn't far from being released, which means we should have an announcement or at least some information out in the coming months. Most probably a '08 release date will be attached, if not later. We'll keep you posted on any updates.

Thanks to surfergirl for the information, may your connections stay as informative as your news.