September 23rd, 2007

The unofficial motto of Rockstar Games, Inc.

Published at 6:00 AM PST posted awhile back, a story, now removed (so we believe) on how Rockstar Games made it in the gaming world and became so popular. We particularly love this quote:

Rebellious. Controversial. Aggressive. Fearless. Anti-Authority. These are but some of the characteristics that help define the role of the rock star in modern day society. Rock stars are unafraid to push the limits of an established set of rules. They constantly question authority and live to upend the social structures that help to define it. Their belief's become their passions and they strive to share these with the surrounding world. Their aura is intoxicating and inspires others to follow their way of life. This is the life of a rock star. This is the unofficial motto of Rockstar Games.